It is currently the year 1924, almost 1925. I have decided to leave the world of art for good in favor of helping to support my family. This decision is very tough for me, but I do not regret my decision. My appreciation of the art world around me has declined rapidly. I have started to doubt my own skill at painting and started to contemplate laying down my brush a while ago. I think I will instead help in managing the family business back home, in La Havre. I do not know how long I will be in hiatus from art. It could be just two years, it could be twenty years. That will all be revealed in due time, though. I hope that my transition from the world of art into the world of business will be peaceful.
I have come to a decision that in the next year, in 1925, I will return to La Havre, my hometown. I have not traveled there in quite a while and I long to see my parents again. I sincerely hope that they are well. My father is a merchant whom deals with the purchase and sale of fine tasting wines. I believe that in the years in which I am at home, I will assist my father in his business and maybe establish my own business. I will most likely draw or paint in my free time, but it is unknown to me when or if I will rejoin the world of art. I shall find out when it happens.
I must say, your art is greatly admired by a lot of people whom I know. Please reconsider, do not leave the world of art. Your amazing art brings glory to France and shows off our amazing artists. I understand that you need to tend to your family, however you should fulfill your dream of creating art while you take care of your family. Art is an amazing thing, it expresses the beauty of the artist and the meaning portrayed. If you can, paint some things that will glorify France. This will be indeed spectacular.